The Ultimate Stair Running Book - worldwide available
Last year I have released the first stairruning book STEP UP! with the German sportspublisher Meyer&Meyer Verlag. And NOW you can buy the book in ENGLISH around the globe – online and also as paperback.
The book is for beginners and ambitious runners and you will get ideas and suggestions for your training. In addition to theoretical knowledge, there are exercises and practical tips, all illustrated by photos and explanatory videos accessible via QR codes.

What you will learn
If you are playing soccer or are a trainer of team sports you will benefit from reading the book. With its strength and coordination exercises and stair jumps, STEP UP! offers new training incentives for those training for running, endurance, or game sports.
If you are beginning with (stair-) running you find weekly plans that help structure training and achieving your goals.
I’m thrilled that there is also a bigger chapter about motivation, focus, and how to recover better. This is crucial in sports and relevant to all aspects of life. Interviews and some insights into my training and competition experiences give an extra that makes the book both practical and entertaining.
From tomorrow on you will get from New York to Sydney the real book – besides the digital edition. It feels magic that it is possible to buy it in Australia, where I have won the races in 2009 and 2010, and also in Manhattan where I have won the Empire State Building Run-Up from 2006-2012.
Now you can get everywhere the ultimate Stair Running Training Book in German and English language and enjoy the training, and ideas – and STEP UP! to the next level.